
Tips For Moving In With A Partner

When you’ve been with your partner for a while, the conversation might come up about moving in together. It might be this is your first time for both of you moving out of your parents or Uni accomodation into a proper house, or you might be moving from your own prospective homes. No matter the scenario, moving in together is a big step and one you want to take carefully. It’s a very exciting time and the last thing you want is to go into it without proper planning and organization and have it turn into a stress. In this article we have a look at some top tips to help make it as smooth as possible.

Decide if you want to move into one of your homes or get somewhere new together

Once you’ve made the decision you want to live together, the first thing to think about is where you’re going to move in. If you both have properties, you might love living in them and not want to move out, or you might feel funny moving into the other one, particularly if they lived there or picked it with a previous partner. You also might not mind this at all, so it’s up to you to talk it through and find out what you both want. You can also decide to sell or end the tenancy of your existing properties and get somewhere together. If you have the budget, you could also decide to keep your place and either let it out, or have it as a spare place should you want to go back in the future. Whichever you choose, ensure you find a reliable removals company to help you get your furniture and belongings from A to B, this will make the move a whole lot smoother!

Consider how you will pool your finances

When moving in together, this is a pretty big step and is a chance to look at the way you pool your finances. You might decide you want to have separate finance pots then just both contribute to the bills, but you also might decide you just want to have a joint account where all your spending can come out. This is something entirely personal to both of you and how you feel. You could also decide to have a joint account for things related to joint expenses such as your shopping, bills and rent or mortgage payments, then personal accounts for things such as your own shopping or personal payments.

Have contracts in place

If you are buying a house, you might want to look into getting contracts in place should you decide to part ways. While this isn’t the outcome either of you will want or perhaps even consider at this stage in your relationship, it’s always better to be careful. It might be that one of you is putting all of the money into the deposit or it’s just one of your name’s on the tenancy. If you do split up things can get bitter and if you’re not married, you might not be entitled to anything so it’s a good idea to get a contract drawn up between you which will state what will happen to your assets if you split.

Compromise with your decorating decisions

Decorating your new home is one of the most exciting elements of moving, but you need to be prepared for there to be a bit of conflict with this as you may not have the same taste! Be sure to head to a number of hardware and decor shops together where you can both show eachother different items you might like and the sort of decor styles you’re both interested in. If there’s something you love but your partner hates, try and find a compromise of something in the middle, or you have that decision, but they can make the next one. This should ensure you’re both happy with the home you’re living in and the end result is something you’re both proud of and really enjoy.

Consider renting before you buy

If you have never lived together, it might be a good idea to try renting before you go and get a mortgage. Moving in is very different to seeing each other a few times a week and can be the make or break in a relationship. You get the good, the bad and the ugly when you live together and have the pressures of finances, keeping the house tidy and conflicting schedules as opposed to just making time to see each other. If you rent you’re not in such a tricky situation if you do decide to break up, without the financial pressures of selling a house and splitting your deposit etc.

Work through conflict in a mature way

It’s natural for there to be conflicts when you move in together, but the way you deal with these can have you coming out feeling stronger and even more powerful as a couple. Instead of arguing or taking things to heart, make sure you take the time to sit down and speak with each other openly, letting each other know how you feel without getting cross. Give eachother time to speak your mind and understand how you are both feeling and why you might be acting a certain way. Also, never go to sleep on an argument!

These are just a few things you need to think about when it comes to moving in with a partner. Remember that whether you’ve been together for years or are still in the honeymoon phase, there’s likely to be some discrepancies and it’s a big move to take. Keep in mind why you’re moving in together and keep it fun. Try not to get too heated up on the little things and just enjoy this amazing new chapter of your life together. What are some top tips you have for moving in with a partner? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

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Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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