
How To Become A Morning Person

Learning to love mornings can be healthy. It can help to put you in a positive mindset for the rest of the day, potentially helping you to achieve more. Here are just several ways in which you can become a morning person.


Give yourself more time in the morning

For many of us, the morning is a time of frantic rushing around. By giving yourself more time, you can take things at a more leisurely pace – and even treat yourself to some morning relaxation time. This could make morning less stressful and more fun, making them something to look forward to.  

Unfortunately, to give yourself more time, you need to be prepared to get up earlier. Studies of the most successful people in the world all identified one big trend – they all got up early. This means going to bed earlier.

Of course, there are other ways to free up time in the morning, such as doing morning tasks in the evening to save time. This could include preparing tomorrow’s clothes and preparing tomorrow’s packed lunch.


Treat yourself to luxuries

As well as giving yourself more time to get everything done in the morning, you can treat yourself to luxuries.

Instead of drinking cheap instant coffee, you could try opting instead for a speciality coffee from Two Chimps Coffee. Meanwhile, instead of a quick shower, you could treat yourself to a relaxing morning bath with some Prija vitalising bath cream.

You could even consider adding some luxuries to your bedroom that allows you to get up more leisurely. A few hotel room mod cons such as putting a kettle and TV in your bedroom could allow you to stay in bed with a cup of coffee and watch morning TV.  


Make the most of your commute

Commuting to work can often be stressful for many people and this can then become a source of morning dread. Consider ways of making your commute more enjoyable so that it’s less of a drag.

This could include loading up some new tunes on your phone, downloading an audiobook or try a meditation app. You could also try adding some exercise into your commute to help you feel more energised such as adding in some cycling (you could try cycling to the train station or you could park up a little further from your workplace and cycle the last bit).


Improve your sleep quality

One of the biggest factors that will help you to appreciate mornings is improving your sleep quality.

As well as going to bed earlier, find ways of improving comfort in your bedroom such as upgrading your bedding or adding calming scents.

You may also want to consider your alarm clock – smart alarm clocks as featured on the Echo Spot can measure your sleep quality and wake up during your lightest period of sleep to make you feel more well rested, whilst using calming alarm sound effects that wake you up gradually.  

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Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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