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Do you ever walk into a nice hotel, or perhaps even a friends’ home, and just feel the touches of luxury dripping off the walls? We always walk away wishing that we could create something similar in our homes. The good news is that you can. There’s no special magic involved in making a place feel luxurious; it’s usually just a combination of factors that make everything work. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few things that you can add to your home that’ll greatly increase the luxury factor.
They say you should start as you mean to go on, and that means setting the tone from the moment you walk through the front door — or perhaps even before. One thing you’ll notice about luxury hotels is that they look perfect right off the bat. The lobby always makes a big impression. Now, of course, you don’t have an entire lobby to play with, so it’s not as if you can add a grand piano, but you can still make things feel high-quality. Add some plants, make things bright and clear, and look at adding a statement decoration or two. It’ll make you feel like you’ve arrived somewhere special when you get back after a long day of work.
One you can detect luxury with your eyes, but you feel it in your body. The aim is to create a space that works “under the radar,” as well as being obviously visually appealing. There are two primary ways to feed the senses, which you’ll always notice in luxury establishments: through the lighting, and by adding calming scents. The lighting should be low and atmospheric, while it’s easy enough to add a plug-in diffuser or incense to your home.
There’s an air of exclusivity connected to luxury. So anywhere you can add one of a kind additions to your home, the better. You can do this on a relatively small scale, such as by adding unique works of art, but for the biggest impact, look at having your rooms custom designed. Things like bespoke kitchens can really make your home stand out from the crowd. One of the best things about bespoke designs is that they’re created with your wishes and desires in mind. It’ll look perfect for your home, since you had so much input during the design process.
Decorations can help to make a home look more luxurious, too. When it comes to adding flair to your home, take a look at blending the vintage with the modern. While some people tend to choose one or the other for the home, it’ll look better if you have a few classic items mixed in there with a modern look. One good place to look for these items is garage sales. There you’ll find old, high-quality items that can add a touch of luxury and intrigue to your home.
Luxury isn’t just about what you see, however. It’s about what you feel — and that should be deeply comfortable. As such, one of the best ways to make your home more luxurious is to increase the comfort levels. If you’re unable to sink into deep relaxation at your home, then now’s the time to make some changes. Look at upgrading your linens and fabrics, including your bedsheets and towels — it’s always worth spending a little more money than usual on these items since you’ll really be able to feel the difference. As well as your sheets and fabrics, take a look at adding a comfortable dressing gown and slippers. You’ll feel luxurious, and especially in the chilly winter months.
Finally, remember that it’s impossible to have a luxurious home if it’s dirty and cluttered. As such, one of the best ways to improve your home is to stay on top of the cleaning and to have good storage solutions. The aim is to ensure that your home can be celebrated in all its glory, and that won’t be possible if there’s a pileup of dirt and grime. It’s also recommended to be aware of increasing clutter, which can always take people by surprise.
It really is worthwhile taking the time to increase your home’s luxury credentials, since it can have such a positive impact on the enjoyment you feel when you’re in your house. Incorporate the above, and you’ll be on your way to living well in no time.
Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.